About Natalie

Modern Spirituality meets the metaphysical world of spirits, entities and Angels.

Hi I’m Natalie Hedges and welcome to my website.

I am an eclectic soul healer with an interest in many modalities, my main philosophy is holistic and alternative treatment. I continue to study regularly, always adding tools to my tool kit.

I had my own healing journey and spiritual awakening a few years ago that radically changed my life for the better. My intuitive abilities started to increase as well as my connection to spirit.

Now I choose to assist others in their own healing journey.

I believe the best way to heal and make lasting change in a person’s life is to examine the root cause.

This might be from trauma in this life or a past life.

Sometimes there are patterns that keep repeating across multiple life times.

As human consciousness continues to expand many realize there is more to their existence than just this lifetime.

I take people on a multi-dimensional journey to heal their trauma and understand themselves on a deeper level while connecting to their soul/Higher Self, the holder of wisdom and all knowledge about them self and their purpose in this life.

My journey began with a keen interest in psychology. I had been a scientist for 20 years but wanted to help people. After studying psychology I saw it had some limitations in it’s delivery, I wanted to deliver this in a different way that joined with my interest in Spirituality. My interest in past life regression was present for many years, so I decided to pursue this thinking this was the way to go. However my sessions weren’t like others. I had my first demon encounter and was not equipped to handle this in my training. So I actively pursued many methods to heal and clear entities including those developed by psychiatrists - Spirit Releasement Therapy along with other metaphysical methods from the Angels themselves. These methods have changed the way I operate and shape the work I do today which goes well beyond simple past life regression. My work with entities and soul healing sets me apart from others and makes my work unique and different.

Since that time I connect regularly to angels in my sessions. I have conversed with the the Galactic families of some clients. I have assisted in healing other worldly beings who are also aspects of my clients. I have dived deep into this world and am now ready to share these adventures and help others heal at these multidimensional levels. Join me for your own healing journey!

If you feel you are ready to step into the depths of your soul beyond the mainstream methods on offer to face the shadows, then contact me today to find out more.

My modalities

Clinical Hypnotherapy/NLP (Neuro linguistic programming)

Life Coaching

Past Life Regression QHHT/BQH

Spirit Releasement Therapy (SRT)

Kinesiologist (Energy medicine)

Sound Healing

Crystal Healing

My Qualifications

Bachelor of Biomedical Science - Medical Scientist

Bachelor of Arts (Psychology Double Major)

Master Clinical Hypnotherapist

Master NLP Practitioner

Life Coach

QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) Level 2 Practitioner

BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) Practitioner

A.U.R.A Healing Hypnosis Practitioner
