Soul Clearing

A Soul clearing can be done in many ways through many different modalities. Some people are doing various forms of clearing as a practitioner without even realizing it, either through methods such as reiki, energy work in all forms or even talk therapy!

Inner work and shadow work can shift a lot by integrating one’s ego, however some infringements require support for some people or the load of infringements is too high and would simply take too long on their life path to clear without support.

This has been my experience particularly for Angels/Archangels/Fairies or any advanced soul incarnate or those who have a Divine mission that has not yet been activated within them or they have not yet stepped onto this path but it is now time, including sleeping leaders of the future.

A Soul Clearing is the clearing of infringements and healing trauma that a Soul is currently working with and operating within along their journey in a physical body. Some infringements are karmic, some are part of a Soul contract and some are causing interference in the Souls journey and can be counterproductive. At all times the Soul generally has full knowledge and awareness of what the issues are.

The physical body has more to do with a clearing than people realize. We are one being even though we operate at multiple levels such as mind, body and spirit as well as multi-dimensionally. Infringements attach to the physical body, subtle energy bodies and Chakras.

They can include, entities and technology such as implants or energy in various forms. Energy can also be trapped emotion, held in the body experienced as pain or discomfort. Emotion trapped is inner work and not an infringement. This is unfinished or unresolved emotion. This is a normal part of the Soul’s journey in physical form. I address these issues in my inner child and Shadow work sessions.

Technology can be present as A.I – nanotechnology or in the form of devices in various forms such as implants. Implants can be in the physical body or within the energy field of a person or nonphysical in nature. Implants are complex and can affect people in many ways. They can be used to monitor, collect data or insert programs or mind control into a person. Such technology is highly advanced and can come from negative or benevolent ET’s. This is usually an infringement and causes interference in a person’s life.

As people embark on a spiritual journey and awakening they begin to rise in vibration and may naturally dissolve or clear many such infringements on their own through shadow work or any number of healing modalities. However from personal experience in my own journey, I encountered infringements I’m not sure I would have even know about or cleared had I not learned about these through seeking help and teachings from others. Implants for example can detect when a person is rising in vibration and prevent a person from rising further and interfere on their soul’s journey and is part of a bigger agenda to prevent humans advancing and knowing who they really are.

A.I can be present in many forms in the environment such as anything you ingest, breath in or drink. I have directly encountered these in my clearing work. Implants can interfere and cause physical damage to a person even at a micro level including the DNA.

Once I sought more learning about these issues, a whole new world opened up I did not know even existed coming from a typical white Western Eurocentric background. Many cultures around the world have much knowledge of interference from spirits and energies not of this world on people’s lives and is part of their historic culture. In the West we are largely catching up, but catching up quickly as every other person trains as a Shaman or does an Ayahuasca trip in the modern world in an attempt to clear trauma and connect with other dimensions and their High Self.

For me it began with Past life regression as an encounter with a demon interfering in a client’s session and effectively tried to block the client from accessing any memories at all! Not being trained in entities due to a large gap in QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) knowledge led me to seek my own training in methods of spirit attachment and spirit release from clients. This involved giving clients and entities therapy during hypnotic regression.

I thought at this point I had a good handle on how to address entities and knew all there was thanks to the brilliant work of some brave psychiatrists in this area, such as Edith Fiore and her book The Unquiet Dead. But then I discovered even more and now work directly with Angels in my work on entities and Soul infringements.

The Angels particularly the Archangels are tasked with assisting humans in many ways, even though humans have no conscious knowledge of this assistance at various points in their life. Life on Earth is protected and guarded by Angels and has been throughout time as we know it. However we all have free will and can consent to such experiences in our unawareness. This is respected by Angels who know the true power of your Divine self.

I began to work with sacred Alchemy given to humans from the Angels themselves and now use these methods to clear people of heavy levels of infringements. These methods include AURA (Angelic Universal Regression Alchemy) as well as my own spirit releasement methods and is to date one of the most powerful methods I have come across to clear humans at a Soul level of all manner of infringements.

Infringements can include:

Dark Portals


Cords - quantum entanglements

Bindings – curses, hexes

Entities – Earthbound (ghosts)

Entities – Negative ET/ Demonics may have been human/animal once or not

Entities – Benevolent ET but still interfering

Negative soul contracts

Negative times lines

Devices – implants, A.I., technology in different forms

Chakras – damage/blocked/contain entities or technology

Auric field repair - rips, tears, holes

Soul fragments - from past trauma

Damage from medical procedures/medications/vaccinations


Personal issues:

Trauma – blocked emotional energy

Karmic contracts

Dis-ease – cancer, viruses, health issues

Ancestral programming

Ancestral trauma

Why do you need a clearing?

A soul clearing is beneficial for those who have been trying to do inner work or who are living a normal life but feel blocked or stuck and nothing they have tried so far has helped. This usually indicates energetic infringement.

As Souls awakened many are accessing gifts, talents and abilities. However infringements can block access to natural development of a person’s gifts, talents or abilities. Clearing helps a soul access these for the conscious mind/ego personality to experience which is usually for the assistance to humanity as a whole.

If you feel affected by such energies, I highly recommend a clearing prayer to clear your space or even yourself. This prayer is powerful but will not clear your whole body.

Embodying more of your Higher self and inner guidance will greatly assist in clearing yourself.

For some, entanglements in this life/past life and with forces greater than they understand can result in infringements beyond the capabilities of the average person. Intense inner work and spiritual growth are called for as an ever ongoing spiritual journey toward higher and higher levels of consciousness.

If you feel you need a session and have been called to my work, contact me to arrange a discovery call today.


Inner Conflict and it’s link to Anxiety